Soulful Creations
Hvala lepa za lep paketek. Kot otrok sem bla ko sem odvijala. Res lep koledar!
Thank you so much for the nice package. I was like a child when I was unfolding it. Really nice calendar!
Anja je fantastična umetnica, v sliko je ujela esenco, ki sem jo hotel prikazati. Njeno delo z barvami in senčenjem je nekaj kar še nisem nikoli videl. Ko sem prejel njeno sliko, sem bil navdušen. Njena komunikacija je zelo dobra, tekom izdelave slike je večkrat preverila, če je zajela bistvo. Rekel sem ji, naj si vzame čas, saj vsaka velika umetnost potrebuje svoj čas in vsaka poteza čopiča je pomembna. Del slike se tudi sveti v temi, kar se mi je zdelo res kul.
Anja is a fantastic artist, she caught the essence of what I wanted and her blending of the painting was nothing I had seen before. I was in awe of her work once I received it. She is an efficient communicator and checks the progress of the piece to see if it captures the message. I told her to take her time because all the great art takes time and each stroke is important. By the way, this piece glows in the dark which I thought was cool.
5-dnevna delavnica mi je bila zelo všeč! Ta vaša ideja z izzivi mi je res všeč, saj je drugačna, gre v globino in to je tisto, kar jo dela odlično. Hvala še enkrat. Aja, kmalu bom imela rojstni dan, okrogel, pa sem se odločila, da si podarim vaš tečaj ustvarjanja mandale. 🤗👍🔆🙃
Lep dan še naprej!
I really enjoyed the 5-day workshop! I really like your idea with challenges because it’s different, it goes into depth and that’s what makes it great. Thanks again. Btw, I will soon have a birthday, a special number, and I have decided to give myself your Textured mandala course. 🤗👍🔆🙃
Have a nice day!
Zelo sem zadovoljna z Anjinim delom. Oblikovala je točno to, kar sem si zamislila in predlagala še nekaj odličnih alternativ. Dela hitro, kreativno in odlično komunicira. Je zelo fleksibilna, ceni svoje delo in odnos s stranko. Vsekakor je super delati z njo.
Very happy with the work Anja did. She designed exactly what I wanted with minimal input and came up with some excellent alternatives as well. She is quick, creative, and a great communicator. Very flexible, values her work and her relationship with the client. Definitely worth hiring on your design projects.
Vsako stanovanje mora imeti ‘srce’ - najino stanovanje je zacvetelo, ko sem na steno namestila svojo prvo sliko v življenju. Te barve, energijo te slike je težko opisati z besedami. Moje mnenje je, da sliko enostavno moraš začutiti in ta je bila, ko sem jo prvič zagledala, moja "must have".️ Priporočam vsem, ki želijo stanovanja popestriti z barvami in čudovito energijo.
Every apartment should have a ‘heart’ - our apartment felt like blossom when I put my first original painting painted by Anja on the wall. These colours, the energy are hard to describe in words. My opinion is that you just have to feel the painting in your heart, and this one was my “must-have” when I first saw it. ”I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their apartment with colours and wonderful energy.
Zelo sem bil vesel, da sem odkril Anjin 5- dnevni slikarski izziv, saj sem se po več letih končno spet lotil risanja. Super je, da je vsak dan določena tema in da so podani tudi primeri, da si lažje predstavljaš. Res fajn zadeva za vsakogar, ki se izgovarja, da nima časa, saj te program spodbudi, da opraviš dnevne naloge. Priporočam vsem umetniškim dušicam.
I was very happy to discover Anja's 5-day painting challenge. Because of it I finally started drawing again after many years. It's great that there is a certain topic every day and that there are also examples to make it easier to imagine. It's a really good thing for anyone who says they don't have time because the program encourages you to do your daily tasks. I recommend it to all artistic sweethearts.
Današnji izziv v 5-dnevni delavnici mi je bil zanimiv, sicer časovno malo prekratki, ker včasih rišem po par dni eno sliko. Prav veselim se tvojih idej in zelo sem hvaležna, da jih deliš. Tvoje slike imajo nek poseben čar in všeč so mi kombinacije barv. Hvala, ker deliš svoje znanje.
Today's challenge in the 5-day workshop was interesting to me, a little too short in time, because sometimes it takes me a couple of days to finish one painting. I am really looking forward to your ideas and I am very grateful that you share them. Your paintings have a special charm and I like the colour combinations. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Sliko sem kupila za darilo. Prav sem izbrala in prijateljica je bila zelo vesela. Takoj so ji šli mravljinci po telesu, ko jo je gledala.
I bought the picture as a gift. I made the right choice and my friend was very happy. She felt the shivers in her body right when she saw the painting for the first time.
Anjina slika je potovanje v globine, moja slika nosi naslov "Predniki". Vsakič, ko jo pogledam se zavedam, da sem majhen kamenček v mozaiku življenja in zlato-zeleno kroženje mandale me vrtinči v globine povezanosti z predniki. Zelo rada gledam tudi mandale na njenem koledarju, ti so dnevni opomnik, na kroženje. V svetu linearnega razmišljanja in patriarhalne naravnanosti, je kroženje odmik od "za mnoge edine realnosti", v svet sanjanja in ženske modrosti.
Anja's painting is a journey into the depths, my painting is titled "Ancestors". Every time I look at it, I realize that I am a small pebble in the mosaic of life, and the golden-green circulation of the mandala swirls me into the depths of connection with my ancestors. I also really like looking at the mandalas on her calendar, they are a daily reminder of circulation. In a world of linear thinking and patriarchal attitudes, circling is a departure from "the only reality for many" into a world of dreams and feminine wisdom.
Z Anjo sem delal že večkrat in mi je res v veselje! To je bila povsem nova izkušnja po številnih sodelovanjih s freelancerji. Je zelo prijazna, kreativna in odzivna. Z njo bom zagotovo še večkrat sodeloval. Perfektno timsko delo!
I worked with her several times and i am total happy! Was a new experience after a long work-period with freelancers. She is very friendly, very creative and very fast. I will work with her again and again. Super comfortable and a perfect kind of teamwork
Hvala za inspiracijo, spodbudne besede in vso toplo energijo, ki sem jo začutila ob gledanju vaših videov v 5-dnevni delavnici. Vse kar sem do sedaj naslikala, mi je bilo res všeč.
Thank you for the inspiration, encouraging words and all the warm energy I felt while watching your videos in the 5-day workshop. I really like everything I have painted so far.
Jaaaaa, slika je prišla in lepša ne bi mogla bit. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Hvala za hitro pošiljanje in za to sliko, ki me je prav poklicala.
Se veselim tvojih novih umetnin!
Yep, the picture arrived and it couldn't be more beautiful. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Thanks for the quick shipping and for this painting that just called me.
Looking forward to your new artwork!
Udeležila sem se Anjine slikarske delavnice. Nastala slika mi je neznansko všeč, ker je delo mojih rok, mojega vse, mojega zlitja z ustvarjalnostjo in radovednostjo v meni, moja stvaritev, popolnoma naivna in nenarejena. Ko jo pogledam, začutim v sebi tako toploto v prsih, ljubezen, čutim sebe.
I attended Anja's painting workshop. I love the result of the painting immensely because it's the work of my hands, my everything, my fusion with creativity and curiosity in me, my creation, is completely naive and unmade. When I look at it, I feel such warmth in my chest, love, through art I feel myself.
Tako lepo paše v prostor, prijetno energijo oddaja. Jaz sem presrečna. V istem prostoru tudi spim, je nasproti postelje in prva stvar, ki jo zagledam zjutraj. Čarobna je!
It fits perfectly and it has such pleasant energy. I am so happy! It's located on the opposite wall from the bed, so it's the first thing I see in the morning. It's magical!
Anja se je res znašla, kljub časovnim razlikam in vmesni menjavi vodje projekta, je vse izpeljala izvrstno. Hvala!
Anja was very good, even with the time difference and a project manager switch in the middle of the job. Thank you so much, Anja!
Nisem vedela, kako bo izpadel letak, ki smo ga naročili in molila sem, da bo končni rezultat dober. Na koncu je izgledalo fenomenalno! Hvala Anja
I really didn't know what the flyer would look like, but I had been praying for Anja during the time that she worked on our flyer. It turned out phenomenal. Thanks, Anja
Oblikovalsko delo je imelo cel kup revizij, ki pa jih je Anja izvedla profesionalno. Moja stranka je bila navdušena nad končnim izdelkom. Z veseljem bi še delali z njo.
There were a number of revisions to this job and Anja handled them all professionally. My client was thrilled with the final product. We would use her again!
Anjo poznam že kar nekaj let, tudi svojo izbrano sliko sem imela "nagledano" kar nekaj časa preden sem se odločila, da bom kupila nekaj, kar bo le za mojo dušo. Nekatere stvari v življenju enostavno rabijo svoj čas da dozorijo. Nekako sem nekje v sebi vedela, da bo Indijanka počakala name, da bom pripravljena da v moj dom prinese novo energijo, novo življenje. Hvala Anja!
I have known Anja for many years, I also had my eyes on one specific painting for quite some time before I decided to buy it as nurture for my soul. Some things in life just take their time to mature. Somehow I knew somewhere in myself that the Indian woman would be waiting for me until I am ready to bring new energy, new life into my home. Thanks Anja!
We are very pleased to offer your paintings in our shop. Vibrant, positive colors, interesting technique with patterns, texture and flowers, is a winning combination that attracts attention and makes sure that people stop in front of our shop window and take a peek. We are happy to work with such a hardworking artists like Anja. Fast, responsive and always ready to fulfill orders according to customer specifications. Anja we wish you a successful and creative art journey and looking forward to continiously work with you !
Z Anjo je bilo res užitek sodelovati. Z nekaj informacijami je ustvarila popolno vabilo in načrt popotovanja za rojstni dan. Oblikovanje je potekalo zelo hitro in učinkovito. 100% bi jo priporočila in zagotovo bova še kdaj sodelovali.
Anja was an absolute pleasure to work with. She took the limited information I gave her and created the perfect birthday Invitation and surprise agenda for a weekend away with photos of the locations to match. She was incredibly quick and efficient with edits and did a wonderful job. I would 100% recommend her and will use her again in the future.