For almost 12 years, I have been helping clients from different industries to create beautiful and useful graphic designs. I started my career in print companies, where I learned about design in practice. Most recently I have been designing mainly packaging, labels and promotional printed materials, as well as designing for e-mail marketing. I am very versatile, so I take on a wide variety of projects. I also do artwork and creative workshops to develop creativity and create a sense of well-being,... More about me ›
Let’s make great things together.
Your kind words
- Oscar Hyde
Z Anjo sem delal že večkrat in mi je res v veselje! To je bila povsem nova izkušnja po številnih sodelovanjih s freelancerji. Je zelo prijazna, kreativna in odzivna. Z njo bom zagotovo še večkrat sodeloval. Perfektno timsko delo!
I worked with her several times and i am total happy! Was a new experience after a long work-period with freelancers. She is very friendly, very creative and very fast. I will work with her again and again. Super comfortable and a perfect kind of teamwork
- Eileen Salis
Z Anjo je bilo res užitek sodelovati. Z nekaj informacijami je ustvarila popolno vabilo in načrt popotovanja za rojstni dan. Oblikovanje je potekalo zelo hitro in učinkovito. 100% bi jo priporočila in zagotovo bova še kdaj sodelovali.
Anja was an absolute pleasure to work with. She took the limited information I gave her and created the perfect birthday Invitation and surprise agenda for a weekend away with photos of the locations to match. She was incredibly quick and efficient with edits and did a wonderful job. I would 100% recommend her and will use her again in the future.
Oblikovalsko delo je imelo cel kup revizij, ki pa jih je Anja izvedla profesionalno. Moja stranka je bila navdušena nad končnim izdelkom. Z veseljem bi še delali z njo.
There were a number of revisions to this job and Anja handled them all professionally. My client was thrilled with the final product. We would use her again!
Anja se je res znašla, kljub časovnim razlikam in vmesni menjavi vodje projekta, je vse izpeljala izvrstno. Hvala!
Anja was very good, even with the time difference and a project manager switch in the middle of the job. Thank you so much, Anja!
Linda RielGSE Travel Media
Zelo sem zadovoljna z Anjinim delom. Oblikovala je točno to, kar sem si zamislila in predlagala še nekaj odličnih alternativ. Dela hitro, kreativno in odlično komunicira. Je zelo fleksibilna, ceni svoje delo in odnos s stranko. Vsekakor je super delati z njo.
Very happy with the work Anja did. She designed exactly what I wanted with minimal input and came up with some excellent alternatives as well. She is quick, creative, and a great communicator. Very flexible, values her work and her relationship with the client. Definitely worth hiring on your design projects.
Nisem vedela, kako bo izpadel letak, ki smo ga naročili in molila sem, da bo končni rezultat dober. Na koncu je izgledalo fenomenalno! Hvala Anja
I really didn't know what the flyer would look like, but I had been praying for Anja during the time that she worked on our flyer. It turned out phenomenal. Thanks, Anja
We are very pleased to offer your paintings in our shop. Vibrant, positive colors, interesting technique with patterns, texture and flowers, is a winning combination that attracts attention and makes sure that people stop in front of our shop window and take a peek. We are happy to work with such a hardworking artists like Anja. Fast, responsive and always ready to fulfill orders according to customer specifications. Anja we wish you a successful and creative art journey and looking forward to continiously work with you !