Recently I attended an alternative medicine fair where I presented my paintings. I spoke to a lot of people who felt drawn to my art and discovered quite a few myths that I believe are more a consequence of marketing tools than reality.
Energy paintings are only mandalas
Each painting, each thing, eash stone, everything that exists is a shape of energy. There are no energy and non-energy paintings. Each artwork has its own energy that was shaped during the art process and got integrated to the canvas. Will you relate to a painting or no depends on the compability of your energy and energy of the painting or if I say it in a simple way – if you and the painting are on the same wavelength you will notice it, otherwise you won’t. It’s similar when you listen to the music, if you are sad you will be dragged to calm, gloomy songs and if you are excited, happy, you will listen to uplifting music with jumpy beats.
Energy paintings heal
Energy paintings won’t heal you or solve your problem. If you buy a painting that was painted with intention of helaing it doesn’t mean you put it on the wall and you will randomly heal in a short time. Painting and its energy can support you in your process of healing and brings up all the old patterns and blocks stucked in your body that cause imbalance. In practice that can look like crying in the presence of the artwork and letting all the emotions run thorugh your body and leave yur energetic field. By doing that you will reach the release of emotions you kept stuck inside you during some event in the past. The process of FEELING all of your emotions will help you heal not the painting itself. You can’t run away from your own emotions and bypass the spiritual growth.
The painting value compared with time
It’s interesting we are taught to value the work based on the hours we spent working, instead of percieving the value of something because of the level of value that brings to our life. Honestly I don’t know how much time I spend making one painting. I never finish a piece in one segment, I do it continuously. I paint when I feel I have something to give to the canvas, that can be half an hour, 5 hours, 1 week or 1 month. I wonder if we ever ask ourselves:
- how many hours and hands does it take to get lunch to the table (including producing the ingredients, getting them to the store and the person who prepared it)?
- how many hours does it take to get a new car to the garage?
- how many experiences did the writer need to write a book?
The truth is, we never ask these questions. What is important for us is the value a thing or a service brings to our life. For example, it’s worthy if the lunch is so tasty you enjoy each bite and your body feels amazing after eating it; it’s worth if your new car is safe and comfortable to drive; Its’ worth if the book has some information that will improve your life; It’s worthy if each time you enter the room you get inspired, your mood rises and you feel a lot of love, because of the painting on the wall.
Of course, this is totally subjective. What is worthy for you is not necessarily worthy for another person.
How I know which painting is the right one for me?
It’s the same as picking anything else: new clothes, apartment, music to listen, person to hang out with, you pick the painting the same way, how does it make you feel. You can feel excitement, inpiration, joy, connection, warmth, love, does it move you to tears? If you can deeply FEEL it, it’s a clear sign of matching your energy and the energy of the painting.
You can say goodbye to painting as well
If you ever read a book “The life changing magic of tidying up” you know the saying “get rid of everyting that doesn’t bring you a spark of joy”. Many people say to me that they have their apartment full of stuff and clutter. A lot of times because of all the gifts they got and didn’t give away because they don’t want to offend the person who gave it to them. If a painting doesn’t resonate with you anymore, maybe it’s time to give it to another person, who will be excited as you were when you first got it. A painting can support you in a certain period of life but then it needs to move forward and do its mission in some other place. Gove yourself and your painting that freedom. Someone could need and enjoy its company.
Painting as a present
I don’t think painting is a good gift, the only exception is that you know the person who will get it well, or you know that this person wants a certain piece of art.
Paintings made by order
I believe that each collaboration of two people must be energetically aligned. That is why I want to have a short conversation with anyone who wants to order a painting. In that way, we can discover if we are a good match and I will be able to transform whatever you want or need to the canvas.
More about my painting process here.
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